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Numbers in Italian



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Twenty-five in Italian

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Translation of 25 in Italian
The Italian translation of the word twenty-five is as follows:


The word for twenty-five or 25 represents a cardinal number that conveys "how many". Venticinque is the correct form of the Italian word which means twenty-five. Cardinal numbers are also known as "counting numbers," because they show quantity. English ordinal numbers define a position, such as "first", "second" or "third". Cardinal and ordinal numbers are used in Italy and the word for Twenty-fifth in Italian is Venticinquesimo.



Translation of yyfont>


25 in Italian - Roman Numerals
Roman numerals are script letters that were developed in Italy to represent numbers. The Roman numeral of 25 is in the same format used by the ancient Romans and part of the heritage of Italy. The Roman numeral for this number is as follows:


When a lower value number symbol appears after a higher value number, it is added, if a lower value symbol is before a higher value number, it is subtracted. Only seven letters were required in this ancient numbering system.



Venticinque or 25 in Italian
The number 25 translates to the word Venticinque.
Twenty-fifth is Venticinquesimo. The English-Italian translation of this number is:

25 XXV
Twenty-five Venticinque
25th Venticinquesimo

Italian numerals are composed of just seven letters: I, V, X, L, C, D and M. The ordinal numbers used in Italy are variable in gender (masculine and feminine) and number (singular and plural).


Number 25 in Italian

The word for 25 is "Venticinque"
Examples and translation of words from Italy
Roman numeral for number twenty-five
Learn the meaning of the word in Italy for 25
Simple, fast translation of "twenty-five"
English-Italian translation
The basic language of Italy
The word for 25, twenty-five, is "Venticinque"


Translation of yyfont>


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